In the well-its-about-time department, it looks like Verizon is finally rolling out services that involve bringing fiber optics straight to your home. That seems like a good way to go about using up all that unused bandwiths laying around on the telecom backbones out there. Wow, my very own fiber optic connection is so close I can almost taste it. Its only going to be available in 9 states so far (and Missouri isn’t one of them) but I sure hope it catches on. The amazing part is that you’ll be able to get 15 Mbit/sec down and 2 Mbit/sec up for just a little more than what I pay right now for 3 Mbit/sec down and 300 Kbit/sec up via cable.
Comment by Phil on 2004-10-25 12:30:13 +0000
Oh man, I can hear it now….
“Storage Whore Strikes Again!”
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Local Best Buy store is relieved of all its mass media storage devices by a diabolical cad known only as the self-proclaimed “Storage Whore.” A note left at the scene says, “What do I need a 15Mbit/sec connection for? Downloading the ENTIRE INTERNET! Woo hoo!” Police are currently baffled as to the Whore’s current whereabouts.
Comment by Posko on 2004-10-25 17:33:14 +0000
Yes, but will it keep you regular?
Comment by Ben Lewis on 2004-10-27 21:43:27 +0000
Yes but that is nothing compared to frosted mini-wheats. It has both fiber on one side and frosting on the other … OH, fiber optics I knew I should have read the post first.
Comment by Will on 2004-10-31 12:47:45 +0000
Phil – you may have been joking but I think you’ll seem oddly prescient in the near future 😉