19 Mar 2004, 05:45

Now with 30% more butt!!!

My butt's pasty enough, thanks.It’s good to know that deep inside, I am still apparently a 12 year old. As soon as I saw this in the Target pharmacy I made Jolayne give me her camera phone so I could record it for posterity. What would people do in the age before camera phones? I don’t think that words alone could do justice to the quirky charm of this obviously miraculous paste. And if you’re curious, no I did not purchase any Butt Paste though I was sorely tempted. I assume it would be used for reaffixing buttocks that have become loose or fallen off, so it would obviously be a good idea to have some on hand. You know, just in case.

[Listening to: Arab Strap – Serenade]


Comment by Phil on 2004-03-19 11:59:18 +0000

I bet Opus from Bloom Country would love this stuff. His posterior is ALWAYS falling off at the most inopportune times.

Comment by Carrie on 2004-03-19 21:19:27 +0000

LMAO … got any butt paste I can borrow?

Comment by Carrie on 2004-03-21 21:52:41 +0000

Did you know you can buy Butt Paste on-line …. in a 1lb jug?


Now thats a lotta butt paste.