I ended up seeing Star Wars episode 2 twice this weekend, one more time than I told myself I would. The second viewing wasn’t brought on by a fit of fanboy giddiness, but more out of hope that I would like it more than the first time I saw it. As a disclaimer, I probably should mention that I fall into the camp that thinks that even if a Star Wars film is bad, hey its still Star Wars. Even so, my first viewing left me a little unconvinced. I wasn’t overwhelmed, I wasn’t underwhelmed, I would say I was just adequately whelmed. My biggest problem was the lack of memorable dialog. Bad dialog is forgivable, and a good thing too since there’s enough of that to go around but there weren’t really any of the moments that stood out like in the first movies. Of course, I’m willing to allow that those movies are so memorable because geeks everywhere have had over 20 years to memorize all the dialog. Aside from that, I enjoyed it much more the second time. No matter how critical and cynical I might have tried to be, I couldn’t deny that the action scenes and effects were really great. I’ve decided that I’m not going to ask for too much from Star Wars, and I think I got what I asked for and thats good enough for me.