Monsters, Inc – big thumbs up. Star Wars Episode 2 trailer – thumbs down. All I know now is that it looks pretty (no surprise there) and at least 30 seconds of the actual movie doesn’t contain Jar Jar Binks.
Monsters, Inc – big thumbs up. Star Wars Episode 2 trailer – thumbs down. All I know now is that it looks pretty (no surprise there) and at least 30 seconds of the actual movie doesn’t contain Jar Jar Binks.
I really need to learn that when anyone says: “Come on over, we’re going to the movies but we don’t know which one yet” that I need to not go. It was my failure to realize this that resulted in my unfortunate viewing of Seredipity tonight, and Joy Ride last weekend. To be entirely fair, Joy Ride wasn’t really as bad as I was expecting thanks to the contributions of one Steve Zahn though I have yet to see him in a role as good as in Safe Men. Seredipity, on the other hand, was a complete waste of time. Bleh. It would have been bad enough on its own merits, but the inclusion of Molly Shannon really served to amp up the suckage. Amazingly, she managed to carry over parts of her unforgivably annoying SNL characters into this film role. I guess no one had the heart to tell her that not only is she not funny, but also gratingly annoying every moment she’s on screen. I hearby nominate myself for the job.
Saw Zoolander tonight, and it was definitely funny but not that often laugh-out-loud-funny which was a little disappointing. Of course, I’d already seen half of the punchlines over and over in previews so that probably had something to do with it. Between this movie and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, I’m slowly starting to forgive Will Ferrell for his previous crimes against humanity. A little. (Insert clever segue here) I’ve finally made the decision to drop my mechanical engineering class and take another quarter of school. I guess now I should make sure I let the school in on this, huh? Finally, is DeviantArt ever going to get moved to their new servers? Every day I keep stopping by hoping that they actually have the bandwidth for me to download wallpapers and skins to waste my time with but they still don’t. I’m just too impatient.